Image segmentation and image generation of shoes

I was given the opportunity to do an internship at Valtech where I worked on applications of Deep Learning in the fashion industry.

Image segmentation

The first task I was assigned was to segment shoes from the background and then segment the different parts of the shoes.

Image segmentation using M-RCNN Image segmentation using M-RCNN

For that I compared the performance of M-RCNN and U-Net using pixel-wise accuracy and intersection over union.

Image segmentation of different part of the shoes Image segmentation of different part of the shoes

Image generation

In the last weeks of my internship I worked on image generation using GANs. I used StyleGAN2 and SPADE to generate new shoes.

I first tried to use the trained M-RCNN model to generate segmentation map to do semantic generation. Each color was assigned a different class like background, sole, heel, etc.

Semantic generation of shoes Semantic generation of a shoe, on the left the segmantation map as input and on the right the generated shoe

Then I used the trained GAN model to generate new shoes.

Example of generated shoes Example of generated shoes

I trained StyleGan2 with ADA to increase the performance on limited data on our shoes dataset.

Finally using the trained StyleGan2 model I did some latent space exploration.

Moving along the heel direction Moving along the heel direction for one shoe

I generated some shoes and found their heel size using M-RCNN. Using that I was able to learn in the latent space the “heel direction”.

I was then able to move in this direction to reduce or increase the heel size of a shoe. I was then able to modify the aspect of a shoe.

Technologies used